Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Creative Project Idea

1. I think I will try video recording myself using various computer programs that I do not know how to operate. While the project will show my lack of digital literacy in these programs, I will become more literate in the process. Secretly, this project will also help me to beef up my resume (Not so secret now.) This idea is not exactly what I plan on settling on, but is a start. I will use a video camera and various computer programs. In the last project, I familiarized myself with Adobe Premiere. For this project, I will tape myself struggling with Final Cut Pro as a means of editing the movie itself.

2. I also have an English degree with an emphasis in writing, so Megan's project sounds very cool to me. If I could, I would borrow that idea. Hopefully, I can come up with another way of integrating my passion for writing without being a copycat.

3. I'd like to poke fun at people who cannot seem to close their laptops during class. It never ceases to amaze me how students cannot seem to function in class without having their laptops open. When I was an undergraduate, no one brought a laptop to class. Now, it seems as if they cannot think without them. I'm not certain if this pertains to digital literacy, but I think I'd like to use this topic just to vent because I find this phenomenon ridiculous.

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