Monday, March 24, 2008

Individual Project Proposal

My digital literacy project will document my learning process using Final Cut Pro. It will show my progression from a first time user to an experienced user more familiar with the program and production process. This project will include the use of Final Cut Pro, an instructional podcast, and a video camcorder. Integrating these various forms of media will express my digital literacy while also narrating my comprehension of Final Cut Pro.

The project will not explicitly address concepts from class, but they will be evident through the way the project is arranged. Specifically, as I learn Final Cut Pro, the viewer will also learn. The narrative will show how the project itself is a remediation of the podcast. It will also illustrate other key terms such as immediacy, hypermediacy, and transparency.

The project will be organized in segments to address the basic functions of Final Cut Pro. Each segment will cover a topic that I will use as I work to complete this project. Moreover, the recorded material will be of me actually learning the program and working on my final project.

The projected time it will take for me to complete this assignment will be approximately a month. The reason this project will be so time consuming is because I will have to record myself while in the MATRF lab using the Mac computer since I do not own one; also, I can only check out a video camcorder for a twenty-four hour period. Since I will be learning the program and recording, I will end up with more material than I need. I will also have to write a script to accompany my taping. Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to create an accurate timeline for this assignment. I will be tasked with both taping and learning the program while also determining what footage to discard in order to make the documentary relevant.

This project will demonstrate how digital literacy is not only about being technologically skillful, but also thinking critically about what approach to take, what is at stake, and what is the meaning behind the medium. Doing this project will make me more sensitive to how the information is presented, what are the audience's needs, and what is the message of the project.

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