Monday, February 18, 2008

Bolter & Grusin (132-159)

I really enjoyed the section on film. This is probably because it is such a common part of life for me compared to computer games, digital art, etc. Especially with all of the films that have been coming out recently that are digitally manipulated. [300 anyone?] It has been interesting how lifelike Disney can make their digitally animated characters. So much so that even though you know you are watching a cartoon, you are on the edge of your seat and involved with what the characters are doing. [The Invincibles] People go to the movies so that there is the removal of everyday life and so that they can leave reality for a little while. Knowing this, it is interesting to compare how film producers embrace or shun transparency in their films.

"...Popular film now seems more willing to reveal its multiple styles" (154).

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