Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Remediation and my project

In our project, we are attempting to attract the attention of our audience by giving them several different digital aspects to look at. It is so obvious in class that people are more attracted by what is on the screen in front of them, rather than what is going on in the classroom itself. We hope to take this thought, and use it to interest our audience. Instead of just standing up there with "real life" interviews, we are going to have a collage of filmed interviews that we have edited to include only the important points. Also, instead of spitting out facts, we are going to present them in a fun and attractive manner on the screen. Movie clips is another tactic we plan on using, since everyone loves a good movie.

Remediation is obvious in our project, because there are several ways in which we could present our information and findings, but people today are more interested in having it laid out for them in a simple and easy to percieve digital manner.

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