Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Post 2 - Remediation and project update

Our project, which will focus on the effect of Facebook on one's life, is starting to move in the right direction. While our topic is interesting, we found that it is quite difficult to pinpoint a specific topic on a phenomenon that has so many interrelated subject matters. We have chosen to split our film into four topics that pertain to Facebook: job hunt, stalkers, addicts, and politics. Making an informal script and illustration of the scenes will undoubtedly enable us to better focus on the layout and content of the film.

Our project will effectively illustrate the concept of remediation on all levels. Even the concept of Facebook itself is remediation because it has given people another means to communicate. This point is not to say that the site has made the telephone obsolete, but it has certainly altered or refashioned the way people keep in touch with one another.

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