Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bolter & Grusin pgs. 132-159

Who couldn't talk about films all day? That's what I was thinking as I read Bolter & Grusin pgs. 132-159. We all have our favorite films and just as diverse as our collection of favorites so are the reasons by which we decide which films make the cut and which do not. Accordingly, the varying responses to the question, "What makes a person really want to go see a movie?" aren’t at all surprising (especially with all the technology that has allowed films to evolve since our youth. Some people in our class seek out movies that portray to them the quintessential iconic hero think Bruce Willis in "Die Hard." Then you have people, such as myself, whom decide whether or not to see a movie based on whether or not the actors and/or actresses on the silverscreen are HOT. For instance, consider any and all of the Ocean movies...let's see you have George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon--come on, who doesn't love these guys?!? Who would want to see any of them fail? Who wouldn't rob a casino or anything else they wanted you to if they asked? I mean if any of them called me I'd be searching through my closet for my catwoman costume from Halloween a couple of years back and catching the redline to the Bellagio. In short, seeing on screen hot bad guys that come out on top, to me is 120 mins of heaven :)

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