Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mediated Spaces

Characteristics of Mediated Spaces:
-made to look realistic
-capitalizing/ imitating reality
-mediated for profit
-allows for authenticity of emotion
-purposeful exclusion of the outside world

What are some other ways that mediated spaces might connect to digital media?
-Political rallies

Mediated Spaces:
-Willy Wonka's Factory
-Theme Parks

Is virtual reality a mediated space?
In Second Life you can:
-buy property
-create an avatar
-interacting with people
-spend money
-have a job interview
-run a business
-attend a concert

How would you represent these concepts of Digital Literarcy in a mediated space like a virtual museum?
Transparency- interactive table top space (piano, art space, etc.)
Remediation- have virtual experiences, pictures turn into interaction (moon walk)
Hypermediacy- have the museum set up in a way that people are reminded they are in a museum (ways to go from 'room to room')
Cyberspace- globes with light connecting parts of the world, a net that shows connections, interactive ride (you are transported with information) with you choosing the destination
Digital Narrative- a page from a book with only text telling a story, then the same story told in a few different digital formats (remediated as well)

1 comment:

Ardi said...

Thanks for recording this for us, Kerry!