Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ardi's Digital Narrative Links

1. Game Stop commercial featuring Guild Wars:

2. Red v. Blue Commercial (Game Stop)

3. Red v. Blue Archive - This is my main example of a digital narrative. A couple of guys got together and decided to make an "animated" series using scenes they shot from the popular video game Halo. If you are unfamiliar with Halo, here's a quick run down: The current incarnation of this game is Halo 3 for xbox 360. Almost no one plays this game as the solo first person shooter it intends to be. Instead, most players utilize the online capabilities of the xbox 360 and play against each other. You can get into teams and play against each other. The series is kind of a parody of this game, which fits in with our group project because we are making a mockumentary of online games and online chat rooms.

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