Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sorry for the many posts, y'all ...

I spent many a snowbound night in Indiana, perfectly content, but after a couple of years in SC, a half-inch of snow gives me a bad case of cabin fever, so I'm trying to be productive ... .

It might be interesting to explore how digital media have warped our sense of reality. I found Dr. Fishman's questions about what we find credible online intriguing, and that led to thinking about how nothing digital can be taken to be "real" anymore. The recent Dove skincare "Real Beauty" campaign illustrates how maybe what you see is NOT what you get; racy photos of TV personality Rachael Ray in FHM magazine were shown to have portions of her calves lopped off by Photoshop.

Is anyone interested in digital literacy and skepticism? As in, does our "traditionally literate" eye take images for granted, or do we now view all things with a healthy dose of doubt?

Just stuck at home and throwing out ideas.


1 comment:

September said...

I'm so gullible. I grew up believing the printed word was truth, and now I have had to make adjustments since it's so easy to manipulate digital data. I am very interested in this aspect of digital literacy.