Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Literacy in the New Media Age pp. 1-34

To be frank, this reading made me dizzy. I'm not sure if it was how the author kept using 's' in words where 'z' should be, if the information was dry, if I was just exhausted, or if it was a combination of all the above. At any rate, I somewhat got the gist of what he was trying to say.

He brings up interesting points about the importance of language and the discrepancy of how it is used and understood across various cultural and global groups. He also talked extensively about tone. Specifically, I found it interesting how he describes that people who write in Spanish place a question mark at the beginning of the sentence to alert the reader that the following sentence should be read or understood as a question. I took Spanish for years and never considered the idea that this punctuation placement could have been done for the purposes of literacy or comprehension. I look forward to the conversation in class to clarify my assumptions about this reading. Hopefully, my conclusions are not too far off base.

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