Saturday, January 26, 2008

digital narrative example

Silver Bells and Golden Spurs

This is a short film that was created in Second Life, and the premise of the story/narration is based on a poem. I thought this was interesting especially in terms of the Bolter & Grusin reading. It certainly represents a refashioning, a remediation of the idea of a movie. And because the scenery, characters, etc are animated representations, this also speaks to the idea of transparency that B & G referenced over and over again.

Victory Garden

This is a sampling of the hyperfiction piece Victory Garden by Stuart Moulthrop. It is basically an interactive story that allows the reader to navigate through the story’s pages by clicking on different words and phrases that are hyperlinked. There is no real beginning or end to the story, and because there are so many different paths and different links, the story unfolds differently for everyone who reads it. This is such a departure from our traditional notion of a story or a narrative because it is impossible to know the exact structure of Victory Garden.

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