Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Literacy in New Media

The reading from the book Literacy in New Media (pgs 1-34) didn't really provide me with a lot of information that I didn't already know, but rather it reiterated and further validated the importance of change and progress. The reading dealt primarily with the importance of literacy (in numerous forms) in the 21st century. I found the commentary regarding literacy to be worthy of assent because we live in a digital society now. In my opinion, it is no longer the case that we have a digital world (i.e. Second Life) that is separate from our "real world." Now it seems as though these two worlds have become entangled in the other. We see so much of our real world influencing the digital worlds in which we engage. Similarly, the digital world has played a substantial role in the evolution of so much that is happening in present day society. Indeed, the two worlds are becoming one. For this reason, it is important that all people have the opportunity for success in both realms. This means that just as we are trained as young children on how to live and adapt to what's going in the real world, we must also be trained as young children on how to live and adapt in the digital world. It is no longer enough to be literate in one and not the other. If we are going to have our voices heard we have to be able to exercise the mediums in which to transmit our messages (i.e. books, blogs, e-mail, youtube, etc.).

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