Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Facebook/myspace culture

Our group, Julie Ledbetter, Susan Collins, April Davis, and Diana Thrasher, will propose a project based on the facebook/myspace community, and how important these sites are to people. These “communities” have experienced a recent explosion in popularity. We will look at the amount of time people spend on these sites, and the impact the content of their pages potentially have on their personal and professional lives.

We anticipate doing a video where we will use interviews, and observe actual facebook/myspace users. The point is to explore these communities and the various aspects of this growing culture that makes them thrive, and the impact both positive and negative they may have on various users in relation to digital literacy.

The jobs for the project include interviewing actual users, observing users as they are logged into the program, independent research on the subject, putting the research in a video format, and editing the material.

It was decided we will all conduct independent research, and then decide if we will work collaboratively on each step, or assign individual duties.

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