Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bolter and Grusin

Remediation is the changing of media that also incorporates the old media. This can happen by books being made into movies and paintings being posted on the Internet. An example that jumped into my mind almost immediately was how paper letter writing has transformed into email. With email you can also send pictures, which can also be included in an envelope with a paper letter, but emails can also contain graphics and sound. Therefore, the use of email has incorporated the purposes and uses of paper letter writing, but has been made even better because of the graphics and sounds that emails may contain.
Remediation has changed in the way that different media have changed. Remediation began with people painting stories from the Bible and making the ceilings of buildings, like churches, seem to continue through the paintings. As remediation continued, we have seen books being made into movies, print journals being transferred into electronic journals, paper card catalogs in libraries being only accessible online, being able to look at paintings by Picasso all in one place online, and being able to listen to Beethoven's best work online all in one place, or even on one compact disc. Although the types of remediation have changed, it continues to be the changing of media that incorporates the old media.

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