Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Group Proposal


Group Members: Mackenzie Crowe, Mike Dehart, Meredith McGrew, Jenny Conard

1. Subject/ focus—Our project focus will be how digital literacy affects women in the Middle East and specifically women expressing themselves through the anonymity of blogs.

2. Treatment (what media, perspective, and approach you will use)

Media—film (5 minutes?), blogs, images, clips, political quotes

Perspective—as much as possible through the eyes of these particular women bloggers and how they see their world.

Approach—We hope to use real blogs, images, first-hand accounts, and historical progression of digital expression in the Middle East.

3. Technology specifications including the software you will use to create the project

-Nero 7 Software—a movie maker software.

-Digital Camcorder

4. Identification of tasks and division of labor (if the project is collaborative)

Mackenzie—Social significance of online expression and finding blogs of women

Mike Dehart—finding software/researching technology to produce film

Meredith McGrew—locating images (of women in the Middle East, of digital technology in the ME, progression of influence of technology)

Jenny Conard—researching historical and especially political background of conservative and liberal movements in the ME in the past century, how technology is accepted.

5. Timeline including each major task and when it will be completed

Week 1 - proposal finished, research assigned materials (photos, blogs,
video clips, persepolis, etc.), meet together to get a general idea
thursday - discuss in class when to meet next, start a semblance of an
idea for how to put everything together

Week 2 - Begin working on the video, organizing photo, quotes, etc. for
the presentation. Meet together to get some serious work done on this part
as it will probably take up the most time.

Week 3 - Editing, fixing problems that may arise within our work. Make
sure it all ties in closely to digital literacy. All this should be done
by the 21st in order to submit the product to the class.

Week 4 - Polishing mistakes after presenting it to the class for
consideration and critique.

26th of Feb - All of this must be done and submitted for grading.

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