Sunday, January 27, 2008

Definition of Remediation

According to our reading I took remediation to be a process that shows media undergoing a change. It is when media changes as a result of being blended or mixed with other forms of media. In other words it can be defined as the combination of different variations of digital media to achieve a better form of media that essentially gets across the same point, if not a better one.

The example that really helped me see the definition clearly was the example about music and how it evolves. I think another example would be facebook. It started out as a simple tool to get to know classmates and people at your college. Now it has countless applications that allow you to befriend high schoolers, pick drinking buddies, send gifts, hand out superlatives or even compare yourself to a Disney character! Facebook was a perfect media outlet, then more media outlets were added on. It is still used for the same purpose, just kicked up a few notches.

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